
标题: ◇译作◎保加利亚 纳蒂娅.嘉珊 2012年秋季占星运势 9.22-12.21 [打印本页]

作者: 巴巴爸爸    时间: 2012-8-4 21:24
标题: ◇译作◎保加利亚 纳蒂娅.嘉珊 2012年秋季占星运势 9.22-12.21
2012-08-04 15:51:47 来自: 老賊黑桃J
羊 棒棒糖和搅屎棍






WORK : You may need to be out of work for a day or two or more. If you work with a goods and you're the person who is responsible for the them be aware of theft.

MONEY : You will have some interesting and useful conversations with friends and acquaintances who will get interesting ideas for further work to increase your income or advice on how to reduce some of the biggest costs in household budget

HOME : Care for your own or loved one's health. Minor concerns about domestic problems, failures, accidents

LOVE : Unexpected conflict, disagreement can turn into a reason for separation. Unpleasant news or intrigue, which could put your feelings into test.

双子座 小玖

工作 : 你将有更多的思考和等待而非积极行动。直觉告诉你这是赚取和保住位置和客户的唯一方法。

金钱 : 孩子和孙子的费用. 在秋季里,你将不得不算计着你自己和你的收入。

家庭 : 一个亲近的女性会有麻烦和坏消息。 一个你家里的女性会有不开心的介入(无论他跟你什么关系:亲属、朋友或者是邻居)

爱情 : 如今最好和最成功的浪漫关系将会伴随一个来自其他城市或者国家的伴侣。也许你将会准备一个即将到来的见面,这个见面将会使你的交谈非常兴奋和感性。因为家庭原因一个可能的旅行和一个重要的伴侣,将会重温感情开始时浪漫记忆。


WORK :At work responsibilities won't disappear. You will communicate with people who are not so pleasent to you or who doesn't like you. This sometimes will brings negative emotions. Flirt at work.

MONEY : Basically you get what you have as an expectation. However, there will be conflict situation related to money to get a document or contract.

HOME : Better income at home thanks to your work commitments and having other members of your family. Possible Repairs and innovations at the place where you live.

LOVE : Time for love. The expectation of a summer love that some of the lone Cancers have to be realized now. A romantic relationship will come to a point when officially will be announced engagement or wedding.

狮子 棒棒糖和搅屎棍






WORK : Will have interesting conversations during the fall season related to current or future work. If you have business to discuss various transactions involving the manufacture or sale of goods and services.

MONEY : Some of you will have troubles related to big payments, loans and incidental expenses. Funding for your daily expenses and utility bills will not be a problem.

HOME : Important discussions related to current or future changes at home. They can be either of a material nature or actions associated with one or another member of your family.

LOVE : For some Virgos love will be the main reason for good news related to the conception or birth of a child. For others there will be emotions associated with love in the life of their grown up children or grandchildren.

天秤 孫小美






WORK : Forthcoming interesting events at your workplace. Interesting news about upcoming events related to various changes. New woman in your professional environment.
Proposal for work or further engagement can expect women over 35 years

MONEY :Autumn brings radically different vibrations in terms of finance. You will have as strong an unexpected success or profit, as large (unexpected) expense or loss, throwing money away.

HOME : Many of the Scorpions will enjoy harmony in your home. There will be occasions that will bring positive emotions in your family.
Good news related to increases in salary or receive a bonus, premium, financial assistance and more.

LOVE : It will be difficult for those couples who are separated by distances. Its very unlikely to organize a meeting during fall season.
Unfortunately, some love affairs will be a separated precisely because they live apart, each with their own circle of friends and colleagues.


WORK : Problems may arise with technics and equipment, which could stop the work process and cause lost of important information. Be aware of accidents and use the manuals when working with equipments.

MONEY : Financial successes. Occasions for happiness thanks to you and other members of the family. Unexpected gain or something unexpected for home.

HOME : You will plan a lot of things related to different events or improvements at home. Everything will happen slowly and will have its bad times.

LOVE : Love confession or flirt at work, in public or via dating web site. You will have interesting communication with interesting person....


WORK : Interesting events for you at work with colleagues. Some will be preparing for engagement or wedding, other will be happy about child birth or grandchild and many other occasions will be there for improvised treats at work.

MONEY : If you're expecting money from abroad be careful how they are sent and how will you receive them. Possible unpleasant situations and mistakes. Be careful with your money if you're travelling . Be aware of theft, lost and etc.

HOME : You will expect the development of one affair, in which somebody will involve your family. It is possible that the person responsible for this to be your neighbours or relatives. Ignore the situation as much as you can.

LOVE : Love will be simple but charging. The single women Capricorn may start a relation with younger partner. Young gents will have unforgettable autumn with one special event in their life.

水瓶: melone"





双鱼 ゛┍Crystal





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